With the slogan "Together we can get," the Department of Urban Conservation, chaired by Max Gomzariz, will launch a public awareness campaign to "get a city still Archena cleaner, which can mean a deep pride among our neighbors ", in his own words Gomariz.
They are going to edit some 10,000 copies between leaflets will be distributed in all mailboxes in the town of Archena, and posters.
In addition, the campaign also includes radio spots, advertisements and notices on the websites of the area as well as in the local press.
Also be installed in public places half a zone free information panel "that all notices and small ads that are pasted on lampposts, walls and lights can now bring these platafomas free", also claims the council.
The campaign will last 30 days, and during the exit through the streets of the village, and on several occasions, the car ad that will practice the main message of that campaign.
For maximum Gomariz, "it is important for the council to ensure that the streets and all kinds of street furniture is maintained Archena increasingly archenero clean and the more naturally you can feel proud of their hometown or place of habitual residence."
"In the campaign affect compliance with the established schedule for depositing the waste in containers, and the obligation to place it within them a greater respect for the bins, traffic lights and streetlights, as to not put any kind of notice , and not throw paper or cigarette butts in the streets, the major recommendations, "said Councilman finally Urban Conservation.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Archena