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"The warnings of the ultra-conservative groups on the morning after pill are ridiculous, demagogic and lack of rigor" as JS (11/05/2009)

Young Socialists point out that the morning-after pill sold over the counter in most countries of our environment and in the U.S.

Note from YS:

The Secretary General of Socialist Youth of Archena (JS Archena), Mireia Ruiz has stated that the warnings of certain ultra-conservative groups on the morning after pill are completely ridiculous, demagogic and lacking in rigor, "a sign that they are more interested in impose its moral, to ensure sexual and reproductive health of young people. "

"To say that the OTC of the morning-after pill will increase the number of abortions is a completely meaningless statement.

In fact, facilitate access to this treatment to any woman who needs it, will prevent many unwanted pregnancies, and many young women avoid having to make a decision as difficult and traumatic as to terminate the pregnancy, "said Michael Ruiz.

General Secretary JS Archena recalled that in recent years there has been an "unstoppable" rise in unwanted pregnancies and the number of abortions among teenagers in Spain, and has stated that "this is especially significant in those regions that as Murcia lack appropriate measures to facilitate the morning after pill to women in need. "

"This is a strategy to implement sexual and reproductive health seriously and consistently put above any other consideration the welfare and future of young people.

Because only from a policy of prevention is not marked by the narrow-mindedness, without moral prejudices, and based on the freedom that gives us adequate training, and ease of access to contraception, we can see results in the reduction targets number of unwanted pregnancies and of abortions. "

"So we will not only support this measure, as we did with the campaign to prevent unintended pregnancies initiated by the Ministry recently, but we will continue pursuing ongoing prevention activities and information in all fields and especially in education. "

Finally, JS Archena said that different studies have reported no major diseases arising from your use of morning-after pill, also why is administered without a prescription in the United States and most European countries including France, Portugal, United Kingdom, Norway and the Netherlands.

Source: Juventudes Socialistas de Archena

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