The councilman of Social Promotion, Mari Trini Medina Gómez, explain in San Javier, from 13 pm in the municipal hall, local experience on the implementation of the system 'Time Bank'.
This event is part of the course on this same subject organized by the Universidad Internacional del Mar in this town marmenorense.
Archena City Council is the second municipal institution in the region in the functioning of the Time Bank, followed by the City Council of San Javier.
Archena City Council will occupy two of the four mornings will the said course.
The Bank of Archena time is running almost two years and is a mechanism that works like a real dog bank with no money and the currency is time.
The Bank of Time is based on reciprocity and exchange of services and activities and aims to promote, in a community services co-operation and solidarity between people, in order to improve their quality of life.
In Archena and several activities have been primarily aimed at the elderly, the sector of the population most in need of company and attention.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Archena