This morning, the Minister of Agriculture and Water of the Autonomous Community, Adela Martinez-Cache and the Mayor of Murcia, Patricia Fernández, visited several facilities of horticultural companies in the municipality.
During the visits have been accompanied by the Councillors Mario José Palazón and Antonio Alcaraz.
The Mayor of Murcia wanted the Minister to come to the city to meet the different needs that these companies may have archeneras.
Adela Martinez-Cacho said that the agriculture sector is one of the most important in this town, so your goal is to visit Archena "to know what the needs and concerns of these companies, their concerns about the external market try to remedy them and give them the information that we have today in terms of grants and subsidies for this type of agribusiness ".
The Minister also wanted to highlight that "is now open line of aid intended for the food sector so they can improve their facilities."
The first visit was made to the factory Frutas Buendia.
The Quality Manager of the company store, Rosalia Martinez, said that this visit has been pleasant, since for now the most important thing is to know how they work and who care about the quality of their products.
We also wanted to emphasize that fruits Buendia is certified in three quality standards: IFS, GLOBALGAP and ISO 2001.
The second visit was to Fruits Alifruit installed in the industrial area of ​​the Chaplaincy and dedicated to the production, packaging and marketing of fruit, where they have met the different sections and enlargements which has made this commercial firm, as well as the varieties of fruit working and exported.
A company with more than 800 workers.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Archena