The record of the adjustment plan submitted by the PP government team and approved on 30 March was incomplete and did not include the list of invoices that make up 17.5 million to pay suppliers, despite requests from the opposition
The Municipal Group PSOE accused the Mayor of Murcia, Patricia Fernandez, of withholding information from opposition groups in the final extraordinary plenary session of the Municipal Corporation held on 30 March.
"Not even that information was provided to the opposition when required, especially when one's Mayor and Alderman of Finance stated publicly that he would give us", says the Socialist spokesman on economic matters Atilano Guillen.
Archena Socialists say the government team did not include the list of invoices Intervention municipal, or the entire contents of the plans themselves adjustment is not justified because the proposed reductions in the chapter of personnel, among others.
The Socialists also state that "these reports were not included to hide the waste produced over the years by this council and that the opposition had no access to them at the time of rule."
The vast majority of municipalities and cities in our region and in Spain, has installed applications on their websites to facilitate suppliers and any citizen query bills that make up the debt for which credit is going to ask the ICO This information is essential and vital for suppliers since from their offices can verify whether they are included in it, request the issuance of the certificate in order to cash and most importantly, provide the account numbers where you have to make payment
Municipalities of much lower intensity than that of Murcia, as is the case of Villanueva del Rio Segura, and other larger entity as Molina del Segura, to name two examples, have your website hosted on this information.
It is unfortunate that our people have to make all arrangements and collapsing personándonos municipal offices, as new technologies for the PP Archena not exist, continues to place obstacles and all possible obstacles to the residents of our people greatly harming their interests and having an attitude of opacity about its policies and management.
The Municipal Socialist Group wants to inform all vendors of the City of Archena that have until April 22, 2012 to confirm if they are in the relationship, if so request the certificate and provide the account number to make them effective debt , and if not to apply for inclusion in the relationship.
The PSOE also wish to express Patricia Fernandez and Jose Antonio Councilman Finance Palazón want to think that providers will charge "and we fear that not the case and that whatever has happened with credits ICO years earlier, mainly due to the incompetence of this government team PP "
"The Mayor of Archena accuses us of not wanting to charge suppliers for not supporting a plan of setting unrealistic", but qualifies the Socialist representative.
"On the contrary, we want to ensure that they can perceive what they should and it is essential that records are complete, have no errors and comply with the law and the plans are workable and credible adjustment because of Otherwise the end rejecting Treasury. "
Source: PSOE Archena