The adjustment plan submitted contains errors, it is not realistic or achievable.
The Socialist spokesman on economic matters in the City of Archena justified in Parliament that the debt we had previously reported 34 million euros corresponds to:
A. - List of bills to pay € 17,550,000 loan ICO
2. - Loans and credit institutions € 8,461,000
3. - Municipal Land (100% municipal ownership) € 3,632,000
4. - Bonds, Treasury and Social Security € 499,000
5. - Grants to repay or justification for not conducting € 2,629,000
6. - Other debts not included in the relation € 2,000,000
Total 34,771.
€ 000
The Municipal Socialist Archena City Council wants to make clear to the public that despite not supporting the adjustment plan submitted by the PP government equipment, because of the many shortcomings and errors contained therein, is a priority for our Municipal Group, the City of Archena pay all suppliers that they should be some money, (a matter that should have occurred at the time when spending generated as required by law).
The Adjustment Plan includes three steps:
Increased revenue from IBI at 270,000 €, this means that housing Archena have a 14.10% increase in their tax bill until 2017.
Personnel Costs Reduced by 700,000 € in 2012, is justified by the government team € 70,000 for the removal of policy in health care and 300,000 € for the elimination of 25% for payment by the City Council in the case of that a worker is on sick leave.
These two measures totaling € 370,000 to € 700,000 they say they will reduce personnel costs € 330,000 missing anyone of the government team as would justify.
Reduction in chapter Current Expenditure by € 2,580,000, in the last full record that we are producing this reduction in costs the City would not have money to pay for essential services operating municipal and school cleaning, refuse collection, heating , insurance premiums ....
Incompetence Archena People's Party in legislatures in which he has ruled for the past 17 years, where they have spent what you could not pay without control or measure and not conforming to the approved budgets each year has brought that currently the Archena neighbors have to take some interests of more than € 5,200,000 we have to assume tax increases, layoffs, and total cancellation of policies of social welfare, cultural, sports and education of the next 10 years.
The Socialist spokesman on economic matters said that every day of the next ten years Archena neighbors have to pay because of the minimum charges for the operation of our City more than € 30,000 in staff costs, loans, electricity, water and little else to keep open our City Council, ie, 900,000 € per month.
A truly outrageous for the ailing economy that we have all the neighbors of Archena
Source: PSOE Archena