People's Independent Union has appealed the Property Tax (IBI) for which the Popular Party has scheduled a rise above 10.5% for the next year.
Tax implementing certain changes which are not included in the Sanitation Plan Financial Officer 2010-2015, approved in plenary session of July 24, 2009 and remains in force today.
Mechanical Traction Tax (IVTM) (Seal of the car), the Economic Activities Tax (IAE) and the Tax on Construction, Installations and Works (ICIO) have also been challenged, and that increases provided by the PP for the year 2012 will not comply with the Plan of Sanitation, for these taxes in the said Plan specifies that raise from 3% to 5% rise, over fiscal 2011, based on increased economic activity , an increase in 2012 is not going to produce.
It has also been used by UIdP Municipal rates rising, and that they must bear the actual cost of service for which that particular rate is imposed.
Adopted at the plenary session of October 25, 2011, with the only vote of the council's Party, rises above the CPI and in some cases has not been taken into account what was adopted in plenary on 24 July 2009, "Plan of Sanitation Financial Officer from 2010 to 2015."
The use of the modification of rates for the year 2012, it is because the study has been presented to substantiate the actual cost of each service.
Finally, we have used also the public prices established for certain services, since they are not to be deficient.
Was approved by the PP, in the House of October 25, 2011 increases well above CPI, assuming in some cases more than 45%.
To have established this increase should be accompanied by a cost estimate to corroborate that the increase is to cover the cost of service, the absence of this cost study assumes that increases in public prices have been arbitrarily, and without complying with that Sanitation Plan Financial Officer 2010-2015.
For both UIdP is requested to leave without effect the increases planned for this year in various taxes, fees and public prices for the year 2012, being contrary to the agreements as a full aparobados Archena Municipal Hall.
Source: UIdP