Archena City Council signed an agreement with the Institute for Housing and Land in the Region of Murcia from the Ministry of Public Works and Planning for the implementation of actions for the eradication of slums and substandard housing in the municipality.
Among its main aims, the Institute for accommodation should promote conditions conducive to the equality of access to housing.
Especially those groups that have an added difficulty in exercising their rights under the same codiciones the rest of the population, due to their situation of vulnerability and social exclusion, either by discrimination they suffer, as transcribed in one paragraph Text of the agreement.
Archena City Council for this purpose shall provide a census of families living in shacks or slums in munipio also undertake to give free accommodation to the Institute of buildings, grounds and buildings where public advocacy to promote housing in order to relocate Some families included in the scope of this agreement.
It also undertakes to perform and meet the costs of infrastructure works and infrastructure necessary to provide the parcels transferred from water supplies, electricity and sewerage, as well as streamlining administrative procedures urban.
Archena City Council with the signing of this agreement, through its social services responsible for the monitoring and support of families relocated to their proper social and local integration in their new place of residence.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Archena