Environment Secretary and spokesman of the socialist PSRM Archena, Juan Pedro López, asked the mayor of the municipality, the 'popular' Marcos Manuel Sanchez, who opened an investigation into the dumping into the river Segura, once the Segura basin has opened a file at City Hall.
"Now the ball is on the roof of the mayor," Lopez said.
The spill occurred on January 28 from 21:00 pm until 11am the next day, and he had high levels in detergents, so that the CHS was forced to increase the flow of the river and close shots of all the drains from Archena.
Juan Pedro López PP accuses the mayor of his passivity during the days after the spill, in which even said at a sitting municipal knew nothing about that fact and had not taken any action to wait Esamur reports.
"Well, now you have the information, now is the time that can not fail to open an investigation," he said.
"It's not the first time this has happened and we have to solve the problem once," he concluded.