The convocation and celebration of the extraordinary plenary session this Monday to approve, only and exclusively, the public holidays for the year 2018 has provoked the indignation of the opposition groups in the Town Hall of Archena PSOE and GANAR.
Both the Municipal Socialist Group and the GANAR of Archena were present to discuss the urgency of the plenary and to expose the disagreement to its celebration, at the same time that they recorded their resignation to the remunerations that corresponded to them to avoid an unnecessary expense produced by errors of the PP government team.
Both groups have wanted to show their rejection to the lack of planning and the inefficiency with which the urgent call has been made and the celebration of the plenary to approve the festivities.
A fact that in the majority of municipalities was carried out between the months of March and May of this same year.
In addition, had it not been for the waiver of the salaries of the two groups in plenary, it would have cost 650 euros to the coffers of the municipality.
A fact that would have been remedied, simply, including that point in the ordinary plenary that will be held next week, Monday, September 25.
Source: PSOE Archena