The Mayor of Archena, Patricia Fernández, has signed a collaboration agreement with the head of CaixaBank in Archena, José Anastasio Pérez, thanks to which the Archena City Council will grant 3,000 euros to carry out a project aimed at older people with intervention needs ´n socio-sanitary selected in a shared way and agreed with the health services, taking into account criteria of advanced age, social exclusion, lack of social support and cognitive deterioration.
Seniors affected by this coronavirus crisis.
Another of the sections which Archena can also take advantage of is the regional project for Aid to the most disadvantaged families, for which this bank will pay aid for said project of 200,000 euros.
Another point included in the aforementioned agreement is the cancellation of certain home rentals, called the 'Buildingcenter', during the State of Alarm.
This aid is aimed at people who have lost their jobs or are affected by employment regulation files, as well as for self-employed workers who have ceased their activity or whose activity has been reduced by more than 40 years. % as a consequence of the Alarm State.
The head of CaixaBank has assured the Mayor that for the next few days, BuildingCenter will make available to its tenants how to avail of this help.
The form is published on the Servihabitat website.
Another important section that is included in this agreement is the one that refers to the mortgage moratorium.
CaixaBank will freeze mortgage payments until September, as long as they are within the vulnerable group profile set by the Royal Decree.
Intended for those people who have reduced their income or who remain unemployed or entrepreneurs who suffer a substantial drop in their sales of more than 40%.
Another clause as important as the previous ones of this agreement is the one that refers to the Liquidity Lines.
This new offer of loans will allow self-employed workers and companies from all sectors of activity to meet the financing needs, derived among others, from payment of wages, invoices, the need for currency or other liquidity needs, including derived from maturities of financial or tax obligations.
In this section, Pre-Granted Loans are also included, in R2B, NOW WEB AND APP without the need to provide documentation, fulfilling a series of minimum requirements.
As for businesses, it is agreed to exempt said customers from the payment of maintenance fees and flat rates (Commerce Pack included) until the situation returns to normal.
The first municipal authority has thanked the facilities provided by Caixabank at these very serious and precarious moments that workers, businessmen and businesses and other people with health and social problems are also suffering in Archena.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Archena