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Presented the course "Skills for Trade Assistant" (09/10/2019)

The Councilor for Social Welfare of Archena, Mari Carmen Alcolea, has presented the course 'Skills for Trade Assistant', launched by Accem Activa in collaboration with the City Council aimed at labor and social integration and improving the employability of people in situation or risk of social exclusion or with special difficulties.

The course is funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) by 80 percent and by the Ministry of Women, Equality, LGTBI, Family and Social Policy, through the Murciano Institute of Social Action (IMAS), at 20 percent .

The Councilor accompanied him responsible for this municipal department as well as this non-profit social group.

The course is based on getting skills to develop the job of trade assistant.

There are 15 people who are trained in Archena, within the Accem Activa 4.0 project, following an individualized itinerary of socio-labor insertion in the Accem entity.

The Accem Activa 4.0 project is aimed at socio-labor integration and improving the employability of people in situations or at risk of social exclusion or with special difficulties.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Archena

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