The PSOE Archena believes that the Mayor, Patricia Fernandez, and his PP Government Team aim to end the traditional festivities of 'El Polvorín', which has been held each September since 1963 on the occasion of the explosion of a military powder keg of great magnitudes that, fortunately, did not cause victims.
Since the PSOE believe that the first step to end the tradition was to remove the municipal holiday to the celebration, passing the festive 'El Polvorín' to September 11 (Tuesday), on the occasion of signing the letter puebla, in place to put it on Monday September 3 following the day of the Powder magazine (Saturday) to make bridge.
In addition, according to the spokesman of the Municipal Socialist Group, Gonzalo Caracena, "the Archena PP Government Team has almost completely canceled the activities centered on this celebration, with the seriousness of doing so, curiously, this year that the 55th anniversary of the explosion".
The denunciation of the socialists is based on the appearance of just three residual activities for these holidays and the change of the holiday;
in addition, that this decision has been executed by the Mayor "with his back to the citizenship with his traditional despotism, and now the Archeneros and Archeneras are annoyed to have done so without hardly having their opinion," according to Caracena.
From the PSOE of Archena, they point out that "far from spoiling and forgetting our traditions like the PP", they aim to recover the festivities of 'El Polvorín' for next year and be able to enjoy the neighbors again of them.
Source: PSOE Archena